Tainted Love (A Lovestruck Novella Book 1) Read online
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“Shut up and sit on my face,” I tell her, rolling us so that she’s on top of me.
“That’s the only phrase in which it’s acceptable to tell a woman to shut – ”
I spin her around, putting her pussy above my mouth so she’s facing my cock. Both hands on her upper thighs, she’s spread nice and wide so that I can dip my tongue right on inside.
“Oh, God,” she says with a shiver, and then her hips start rocking. “Uh! Uhhh!” she moans while fucking my face with not a single inhibition. That’s how I know she’s close. So close that she’s desperate to get off. I latch my lips over her clit and suck it hard until I feel her thighs tremble in my hands and she falls face forward on my body. Hell, I could do this all night, but first I need some relief. I kiss the inside of her thigh, letting her come down so she can suck my cock. Fuck, I hope it’s soon.
“Josie?” I ask, but don’t get a response. “Baby, I need your mouth so bad. Please…oh fuck!” I exclaim when she takes pity on me. Her hot mouth devours my cock, and I barely last longer than she did before I’m coming with a string of curses, my heels digging into the mattress.
“So good, baby. So…fucking…good,” I tell her when my body stops shuddering from the pleasure overload.
Josie’s smiling when she turns around to face me. “Now, do you think you can you make it to the store?” she asks.
“Yes,” I answer, reaching for her to pull her down beside me. “But I don’t wanna leave just yet.”
Her warm palm smooths over my chest, before she says, “Okay, but I can’t promise to stay awake much longer. You’ve worn me out today.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I tell her with a chuckle.
“Tomorrow, as humiliating as it will be, I’ll talk to my boss about the charges to see what he can do.”
“Thanks,” I say with a squeeze to her shoulder.
“I’m really sorry. That was stupid –”
“Hush,” I interrupt her. “There’s nothing stupid about a girl giving you a blowjob. It was just…bad timing.”
“Bad timing,” she repeats with a laugh. “Right. I thought…I thought you were pissed off at me.”
“No, baby,” I assure her with a kiss to the top of her head. “I was just pissed that we got interrupted and that you had to get dragged through all that bullshit at the police station.”
“Oh, good,” she says, followed by a yawn.
After that, both of us turn silent. The exhausting day is catching up to me, and all I can do is focus on the soothing caress of Josie’s fingertips over my skin. They never seem to stop moving, just constantly swirling unknown patterns around and around my chest and over my abs. Her hair that’s right under my nose where her head rests on my chest smells so good, too. Moroccan My Shine hasn’t faded in the day. It’s so fresh and sweet, and…I’m drifting off to sleep.
I wake up with my raging boner trying to bury itself into Josie’s amazing ass that’s backed up to me. Sometime in the night we started spooning, but now I want to fork…and we still don’t have any condoms. I swear the universe is intentionally fucking with me.
Sunlight is shining into the room, so it’s probably time for us to start getting ready. It’s gonna be hard to do, in more than one way.
I glance over my shoulder to see what the alarm clock on the nightstand says. Shit. Already seven. Enough time for me to shower and then get Josie up, but not enough time for me to jerk off. Tonight, I swear that I will not stop until I have a condom on my cock when I finally get to come inside her.
After I shower as fast as humanly possible, I get to wake up sleep-drunk Josie, which is almost as fun as yesterday. Without opening her eyes, she mumbles words I can’t understand, while clutching my arm, trying to pull me back into bed with her. It’s tempting…so fucking tempting. But I’m pretty sure she would be upset if she’s late for work.
“Come on, Josie. Time to get up,” I tell her, and get no response whatsoever. She curls up even tighter in the fetal position. So, I pull the covers off of her and do the only thing I can think of to wake her up.
I spank her ass. Not hard enough to hurt, just a little sting to get her moving.
“Ow. What was that for?” she grumbles.
“Well, you wouldn’t get up, so…”
“So you smacked my ass?” she asks in a huff. Well, shit, if she’s pissed at me, I might not get laid tonight after all. I’ll do whatever it takes to sink inside her --- kill, maim, or anything else she asks. I’m getting ready to apologize and tell her so when she rolls to her stomach, gets up on all fours, and sticks her bare ass up in the air just before she says, “Do it again. I think I liked it.”
“For fuck’s sake, woman! Did you forget we don’t have any condoms? Because I didn’t, and the next time I slap your fine ass I’m definitely gonna be fucking you. So get your ass out of bed!”
“Is that a promise?” she asks with a sleepy smile on her face that’s still resting against the pillow, her blonde hair falling all around her with her ass still in the air. It’s too much temptation.
“Ah, fuck. I’ll wait for you in the living room,” I say with a groan.
Chapter Eleven
I really need to start setting my alarm clock. After the second morning of having to shower in seconds, I put on my favorite navy blue dress with cream heels, and then we’re out the door. Lawson and I stop for breakfast again at Herbie’s. Just two days in a row of the same routine, and it already feels like we’re a real couple. Which is strange, but it’s so easy to be around Lawson, so comfortable and…perfect.
Even though we didn’t have sex last night, I fell asleep so happy, like all was right in the world.
“Can we get two orders of pancakes, bacon, sausage and orange juice?”
I feel all gooey inside when Lawson not only orders for me, but actually gets it right. Today he’s wearing an army green tee that makes his hazel eyes stand out even more and jeans that fit like a glove in all the right places. He’s so gorgeous that it almost hurts to look at him, but it’s gonna take more than a little ache in my chest to make me stop doing it.
“That okay?” Lawson asks after our waitress, the same one from yesterday, walks away.
“Yeah, that’s great,” I tell him. Wow, it’s funny how things have changed in just twenty-four hours. Now, I’ve had Lawson’s…sausage in my mouth. Twice. And he’s given me so many orgasms I lost count.
“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” he asks with a wide grin on his gorgeous face, leaning back casually on his side of the booth.
“What are you, a mind reader?” I ask him.
He chuckles and reaches up to stroke his jaw that’s covered with two days’ worth of stubble. “No, we just happen to be thinking about the same thing.”
The pulsing need between my legs that’s been dormant since he woke me up with a slap to my ass flares back to life, making me squeeze my thighs together underneath the table.
“So, are you gonna get those things we need before tonight?” I ask him, careful with my words since I’m aware of all the other customers around us.
“Definitely,” he says, squirming slightly in his seat. “Otherwise I may end up in the hospital. Blue balls are real.”
“Lawson!” I exclaim in reprimand, making him chuckle.
“My bad. Are balls not appropriate breakfast conversation?” he asks, flashing me his adorable grin, including his fuckable dimple.
“No, they’re not,” I reply, feeling my cheeks warm.
“But my sausage is?”
Laughter bursts from my mouth without my permission before my hand can cover it up, and it feels so damn good that I don’t ever want to stop. But it does, when Lawson reaches across the table to lace his fingers with mine, surprising me, and setting my heartrate into overdrive.
“I can’t wait until five o’clock,” he says softly.
“Me either,” I reply. Those two words come out bre
athless, because that’s the effect this man has on me. He takes my breath away, and it’s so incredibly awesome that as long as he’s around, I’m pretty sure I could live without oxygen.
Sure that nagging bitch’s voice is still quietly harping about how Lawson will toss me aside for other women. But I assure myself that she was lying to make me doubt him; so, therefore, I refuse to indulge in her obvious attempt to give me insecurities. Especially when they’re unwarranted. Lawson rarely ever has his phone out while we’re together, and he doesn’t try to subtly check out the other women around us, like our attractive, young waitress, unlike how I remember my ex, Bryan, used to constantly do. Instead, Lawson’s beautiful hazel eyes stay pretty much constantly on mine or my mouth or my breasts. And, well, it’s really freaking nice.
There’s a bounce in each of my steps as I practically skip into the front door of the office, a smile with Lawson’s name on it across my face after our hot kiss goodbye. The lingering scent of his cinnamon taste has me craving Big Red gum. Yum.
“Good morning!” I say to Clarissa when I walk past her desk. Her quickly shaking head and frown on the usually upbeat woman’s face stops my high heels in their tracks.
“Boss is here,” she mouths with a thumb pointing over her shoulder toward my office.
“Already?” I ask, pulling my phone out to make sure I’m not late. Nope, it’s just eight-twenty.
“Morning, boss,” I say as soon as I slip into our office, quickly putting my purse away. If he’s here early, that means he’s got something on his mind that we need to work on ASAP.
“Jos, hey, kid,” my boss says with a quick nod over his shoulder before his fingers go back to work on his keyboard. He’s already in his suit, making me wonder if I forgot about one of our clients having court this morning. I check the printed calendar on the wall, but today’s schedule is clear, other than John’s doctor appointment this afternoon at four.
“Whatcha working on?” I ask, since I’m usually the one at the computer, typing while he dictates.
“Mind getting the door?” he asks me with a sigh.
“Ah, sure,” I say, unnerved now that he doesn’t want anyone to overhear what he’s about to say. Oh, no. Has he already heard about my criminal charges from last night? Shit, is he gonna fire me.
“About last night,” I start, figuring confessing before he brings it up is better for honesty’s sake. “It was stupid and juvenile of us, but do you think you can get both our charges dismissed?”
My boss blinks at me, and that’s when I realize he doesn’t know. Fuck.
“Get what dismissed?” he asks.
I clear my throat, swallowing down my embarrassment before I admit what I need his help with. “My and Lawson’s indecent exposure and, ah, crime against nature charges.”
“Bahahaha.” My boss throws his head back and full out belly laughs. Great. “You-you were…with a guy…and…you got…caught?” he asks between gaps.
“Yes,” I mutter in response, hanging my dirty, guilty head so that my blonde hair covers my blush of shame.
“Don’t worry, kid. We’ll get it taken care of. Dismissed and off your record,” he assures me after he stops chuckling.
“Really?” I ask, not wanting to get too hopeful.
“Sure. You’ve got a clean record. Shouldn’t be a problem. And who’s Lawson?” he asks with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“Um, Lawson Andrews. He owns Andrews’ Auto Shop down the road.”
“Oh, yeah. His grandfather was my mechanic for over twenty years and taught him everything he knows,” John says, speaking fondly like the two of them were close.
“You were friends with his grandfather?”
“Yeah, Dan Andrews and I go way back. So you’re seeing his grandson, huh?” he asks, the smirk on his face telling me he’s barely containing his laughter.
“It’s new, but yeah,” I admit with a nod.
“Well, don’t worry. We’ll make all this disappear before I leave.”
“Leave?” I exclaim, my back straightening at the unexpected words.
“I’m sorry this is on such short notice, but I’ve decided I’m ready for retirement,” my boss replies with a sad smile.
“Retirement?” I repeat, slumping back into the swivel chair at my desk. “Why? When?” I ask him when really I want to say, What the fuck?
“I’m seventy, and you know how much my memory’s been slipping…”
“But –”
“Don’t worry. It won’t be in the next week or even month,” he assures me. “It’s gonna take time to wrap up some cases and transfer the rest over to Clark. We’re talking the end of July at the earliest.”
“July,” I repeat, my shoulders slumping. In a little more than two months I’m gonna be unemployed. “What am I gonna do?”
“I would be happy to offer you a severance, say six months’ worth? And you know I’ll put in some calls and make whatever referrals you need from now until then.”
“Oh my God. I’ve got to find another job,” I mutter, as reality slaps me upside the face. For the past few years, I’ve taken my piece of cake employment here for granted. Been spoiled by my boss’s absences, the freedom and all the flexibility I need in my hours. Now…now what the hell am I supposed to do? What if I can’t find another job? I don’t want to end up back in Roanoke crashing with my parents.
Chapter Twelve
The clock on my phone flips over to five, and I feel like Cinda-fucking-rella. I may be broke, but at least I get to fuck a princess tonight.
The work day is officially done. And with Carly’s help, since she’s not a slack-ass like Todd, we finished the repairs and maintenance for all customers before the weekend. I’ve already cleaned up in the sink, well, as best I can until I have a real shower, and changed out of my coveralls. So now, I’m just waiting for Josie to come by after work. During my short break around one, when I went to pick up lunch for me and the guys, I stopped by the pharmacy and grabbed some XL condoms. Now we’re ready to get down to business.
My phone dings with a text message right on time. I glance down and see it’s from Josie, but it doesn’t say she’s on her way. Instead, it says she’s gotta work over to finish up a few things, and could I bring her car by so I won’t have to wait for her.
Well, fuck.
That wasn’t the text I was hoping to get. The one I wanted was, “I’m on my way, and let’s fuck in the garage because I can’t wait another second longer for your big cock.”
Okay. So we’ll just have to wait a few more hours until she gets off work.
Early this morning, I moved Josie’s El Camino into a parking spot on the curb to use the garage bay it was in. So I grab her keys, lock up and head out the front door to drive it two blocks over. Since downtown is emptying out, I snag a parking spot right in front of her office building. I’ve just typed up the message on my phone and sent it to her when the front door opens and Josie steps out. She’s beautiful as always, but the expression on her face is frazzled instead of warm and welcoming. It must’ve been a shitty day.
“Hey,” I say when she approaches, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. My lips barely graze her skin before she pulls away.
“Fuck, what a god-awful day,” she says with a shake of her blonde hair. “My boss is retiring, so I have to find another job. What if I don’t find another job? And everyone’s been calling me a slut after they saw my name on the incident report from the night before…”
Reaching for her face with both hands, I hold her still while my lips find hers. It takes a few kisses before I convince her mouth to open so my tongue can remind her that tonight I’ll make everything else disappear. It’ll just be me and her, nothing else. God, why does it feel so good to kiss her? And why does my cock perk up like a homing device in search of her pussy whenever she’s nearby. Hell, I’ve been that way all day just thinking about her. I’ve never felt this way about a woman, especially not one
I just met.
“Come over to my place tonight?” I ask, when I pull away, her fists still clenching the front of my shirt in an awesome way. “My brother went by to wait for the new mattress delivery and assured me that she cleared out and left her key on the counter.”
“You have a brother?” she asks.
“Ah, yeah,” I tell her with a smile. “Abe. He’s four years older than me, divorced with a three-year-old son, Ollie. Well, Oliver, but we all call him Ollie.”
“You have a nephew?”
“Yeah,” I reply slowly.
“Huh,” she says, removing her hands from me. “I don’t know much about you.” That doesn’t sound good. She didn’t say it in the, I want us to get to know each other better. No, it was said more in the, I’ve had your cock in my mouth, and I don’t know shit about you way.
“Come over tonight, and we can start learning all this stuff about each other, okay?” I say, almost ready to get on my knees and beg to have her in my bed tonight.
“Okay,” she nods, just as some dick in a suit yells, “Josie?” from further down the sidewalk.
Her head spins around so fast that I get smacked in the face with her Moroccan My Shine hair.
“Bryan?” she says softly to the man walking toward us.
While I’m glaring at the douche in the three-piece gray suit, he only has greedy eyes for the woman in front of me, beaming at her.
“I thought that was your car! How’ve you been?” he asks, scooping her up in a hug that catches her off guard since her arms flatten against the front of his body instead of embracing him back. “What are you doing in downtown?”
“I-I, ah, work here,” she says, jerking a thumb in the direction of the building next to us. “Wh-what are you doing here?”
“Oh, I’ve got a part-time internship in the DA’s office while I study for the Bar,” he says with an answering nod to the big brick courthouse across the street.
“You-you work here? As an attorney?” Josie asks.
“Not yet, but as soon as I pass the Bar. I’ve already got an offer up in your hometown, but I was hoping to get one here…”